Spatial Recommender and Insights Platform

Our spatial recommender system for data-driven decisions

In-Depth Description of Our Platform

Our platform presents our customers with a cohesive story and a set of recommendations, depending of their use case, presented in a visual spatial dashboard using multiple sources of data and tons of statistical modeling and state-of-the-art Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

We use rigorous data science-driven and industry-standard methodologies and frameworks used widely in competitions and successful commercial AI systems.
Likewise, we use open-source code, frameworks and tools from industry leaders.

The platform provides block-level data granularity which provides businesses with high resolution metrics for critical decision making.
Furthermore, we use map spatial data given in arbitrary geopolitical regions such as blocks which can never be used for useful inference to equal-area hexagons of our preferred level of resolution depending on the use case.

How Companies Are Using Our Platform

Rank Top Markets for Expansion

Our customers are strategically expanding to new markets and they want to rank what cities are best prepared to adopt their products and/or services and they want to assess the potential size of the market.

Retrieve Market Distribution

To a high degree of granularity and customization for your company’s portfolio, our platform provides you with the market spatial distribution of the best zones in terms of demographics, income level, competition, economic market clusters, related and complementary businesses and floating population moving throughout the day.

Understand Specific Locations

From price strategy to understanding current points of sale to extrapolate to other locations, our platform helps our customers generate a cohesive view of the spatial component of their business success.


Solicita Acceso al Demo

Estamos preparados para enviarte un acceso a una versión demo de nuestra plataforma para que tú y tu equipo puedan evaluar el valor agregado que les ofrece a su empresa.